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What factors need to be considered when designing miniature connectors

In the trend of product miniaturization, the internal design of countless electronic devices is becoming more and more compact, leaving less space for connectors. The demand for more miniature connectors is on the rise. But how to make good use of the connector is not only whether the manufacturer can provide a suitable connector, but how the equipment engineer provides the demand is also very important.

Miniature connectors have the characteristics of precision, light weight, and low strength. For connectors, equipment engineers need to consider these parts.

1. Consider the connector early in the design.

2. Understand clearly the space limitations of the equipment.

3. Know the current load capacity required by the connector.

4. Consider the stability of small/micro connections.

5. Consider easy replacement.

6. Understand the application environment of the equipment.

7. Consider the mechanical stress that the connector will bear during use.

In general, the design of the connector will always serve the equipment. The more complete the information provided by the equipment engineer, the more conducive the manufacturer's targeted development.